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Edited by B. Fantini, D. Martà­n Moruno, J. Moscoso

On Resentment : Past and Present

Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013

lundi 12 août 2013, Patrick Lang

Resentment has a history. Paintings such as Géricault’s Le Radeau de La Méduse, nineteenth-century women’s manifestos and WWI war photographs provide but a few examples to retrace the changing physiognomy of this emotion from the second half of the eighteenth century up to our contemporary society. The essays in this collection attempt to shed light on the historical evolution of this affective experience adopting the French Revolution as a « gravitational force », namely as a moment in which the desire to be other was politically legitimised by means of the ideal of a meritocratic society. From Adam Smith’s definition as social passion linked with justice, to Nietzsche’s interpretation of resentment as a pathological symptom, this emotion has also shaped a plethora of social movements forging their identity out of hatred mixed with fear and indignation. This volume seeks to provide new insights into the history of emotions by showing how resentment is a cultural experience that contributes to a better understanding of the differences between the past and the present world.

Contributors : Elise Dermineur, Susanna F. Ferlito, Marà­a Gà³mez Garrido, Patrick Lang, Pilar Leà³n Sanz, Manuel Lucena Giraldo, Joseph Maslen, Elisabeth Meur, Lina Minou, Dolores Martà­n Moruno, Javier Moscoso, Javier Ordà³à±ez, Yamina Oudai Celso, Beatriz Pichel, Stefano Tomerelli, Juan M. Zaragoza Bernal.

Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (June 2013)

ISBN-10 : 1-4438-4772-0

ISBN-13 : 978-1-4438-4772-8

titre documents joints

À propos de l'auteur :

Directeur du département de philosophie.
Maà®tre de conférences en philosophie et musique.
Spécialités : le concept de valeur dans l’éthique, l’économie, la sociologie ; phénoménologie allemande et franà§aise ; phénoménologie de la musique.

Courrier électronique : Patrick Lang

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